Hello From Steve’s Thinking Space

Hello!  For those of you who do not know me already, my name is Steve Strother.  I have created this blog, Steve’s Thinking Space, as a place where I can write about things that are on my mind.  I have grown weary of the constant negative slant of the news media today (also including many internet outlets) and I do think that the media has a great deal of impact on the psyche of our culture.

After many years of getting discouraged by all the negative news I finally realized that I had a choice in how I let things affect me.  That is when I started earnetsly looking for motivation and inspiration and also when I decided that I was going to create my own blog.

So here is my plan.   I will post positive and/or inspirational readings and stories on this blog on a regular basis.  Anything that is positive and/or inspirational is fair game.  My posts can and will consist of personal accounts of things that I witness, positive things that I read in the news, reviews of other blogs that I find that discuss positive and inspirational topics, reviews of books and or movies that have positive and/or inspirational messages, new ideas that I have regarding life, etc..  While I may occasionally write about something I am not happy about I promise that when I do, my focus will be on looking for the positive and/or proposing solutions.

Thich Nhat Hanh offers one of my favorite quotes:

“Why not try and see positive things, to just touch those things and make them bloom?”

I like this quote so much that I selected it to be part of my blog header.  This quote gets to the heart of my goal for this blog.  To touch positive things and in so doing I hope to raise awareness of them – both in myself as well as for anyone who reads my blog.  My blog posts will focus on themes such as motivation and inspiration, happiness, living in the moment, family life, something that is often called work/life balance (I think it needs a new name since work really is part of life), creativity and much more.

Steve’s Thinking Space spent 1 ½ years in the idea phase until I finally realized that I would never get anywhere with it unless I started writing.  So recently I jumped into the process of setting up a WordPress blog and started working on blog entries.  I am ready to get started as I have outlined previously in this introduction.  I realize that my blogging and therefore the focus of this blog in general, will evolve over time.  Steve’s Thinking Space as it exists today will likely change dramatically over time.  I look forward to the experience, wherever it leads!

Thank you for visiting Steve’s Thinking Space!  I hope you enjoy your time here!

With Aloha,


About Steve Strother

I am a student of life and therefore I am a lifelong learner. I believe we are all here to evolve spiritually and doing so, and helping others do so, is my ultimate quest. I currently write at The Road to Peace about people helping other people because I believe helping others is a path to peace and also spiritual growth. I am currently developing a coaching program to help men connect to joy in life - specifically through understanding the the characteristics they exhibit (and can access) through the four main masculine archetypes as well as through helping them connect more authentically to the feminine - both within themselves, in the world around them, and with women.
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17 Responses to Hello From Steve’s Thinking Space

  1. Sherry says:

    This is wonderful, Steve! Good luck, and I will be keeping an eye on this space.

  2. Steve! Congrats on the launch of your blog. It looks like it’s off to a great start. Can’t wait to see where it takes you 🙂

  3. I love it! And I’m glad you took the plunge into to world of blogging. It can be very therapeutic, whether you’re sharing positive thoughts, or ones that are sad but should be shared in order to find a positive. You never know who you will touch or help with each post. And thank you for linking to GBR. 🙂 Did you see our new site?? Lemme know what you think – we love what we are doing. Makes all the difference in the world!

    • Thank you Thien! Linking to GBR was the least I could do. The work that you and Mark do with Gretchen Bee Ranch and the fact that you love it so much really is an inspiration to me and so it only made sense to include the GBR link. I have seen your new site and I think it looks great!

  4. By the way, you know I still love Thich Nhat Hanh’s writings.

  5. I do too! Sometime soon I am going to post a wish list of things I want to do someday and one of them is to attend one of his talks!

    • Hey, have you ever tried a meditation class or do you meditate already? Being still is so hard at first! But when you make yourself adjust to it, it’s truly amazing.

      • I do occasionally meditate though not often enough. I have never tried a meditation class. Sounds like a good idea. Thank you for the suggestion! Developing some type of regular (daily) meditation practice is something else that will be on my wish list that I will publish some time in the next few weeks.

  6. Jon Strother says:

    Cool, Steve! Maybe you’ll inspire me to start my own blog. I’ve been thinking about it for years, and now that I’ve started zen meditation practice, I think I may have found a general subject I’d like to blog about. I already blog for work, but that’s not quite the same thing!

    • I thought about this blog for over 1 1/2 years before launching it as well so that trait must run in the family 🙂 I definitely encourage you to start a blog. If it has been on your mind that long and the thought still persists then that is a strong indication that this is something you are meant to do. That there is a message inside of you that needs to be shared with the world. I think zen meditation would be a great topic! We all already know that you are a great writer so I think blogging would be a perfect avenue for you to write and get your message out. Also, it is interesting that you and Thien both posted comments within two hours of each other that mention meditation. Maybe there is a message to me there?!

  7. serendipitous0sally says:

    Hi Steve!
    Thanks so much for visiting my blog; it allowed me to discover yours! I love that you are helping to be a force of positivity and inspiration in this world 🙂

  8. marcusampe says:

    We for sure can do with some more positive news in this world, where most attention is given to the bad news and to those who want to deregulate this world instead on those who try to build up this world to a better place to live.

    May you contribute with your positive messages and bring some more smiles on people in this world who could use some more positive thinking.

    Good luck.

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